Fence Factory LLC was founded in 2009, and in ten years it became a leading fence manufacturer in the Baltic countries. The company employs more than 30 highly qualified employees with an average 10 years of work experience in the industry. Fence Factory LLC is the first fully automated fence Factory in Latvia. The quality of the product manufactured by the Company confirms the export performance to the countries such as France, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Estonia, Lithuania, etc.
To be the strongest quality fence manufacturer in the Baltics. We are professionals who are constantly improving our production facilities and workforce professional competence in order to protect each customer’s property and area with a durable, safe and Latvia made fence. The principle of cooperation with customers is based on mutual respect and responsibility for the quality of the produced goods. We provide stable conditions for cooperation with both private persons and industry professionals.
We have to become the leading manufacturer of fences in Latvia and provide the Baltic States with a high quality metal wire fences.
“I do this business because I really like it! By founding the Fence Factory LLC, I wanted to create in Latvia a stable industry, able to compete with European manufacturers and supply Latvian residents with the domestic production, high quality metal wire fencing. I have had the passion for the latest technologies, mechanisms and equipment since childhood – I have always been interested in how they operate and how mechanisms can be improved. The same is with the company’s production facility – from the simplest equipment we gradually move to more complex equipment. Without this, the development of business cannot be imagined. At present, our objective is to strengthen our position both in Latvia and Baltic States, to ensure our future competitiveness among the metal wire fence manufacturers in the European market.”
European Regional Development Fund – INVEST INTO YOURS FUTURE
On December 16, 2014, the “Fence Factory ” SIA entered into a contract No. L-APV-14-0226 with the Latvian Investment and Development Agency for implementation of the project “Modernization of the plant” (project No. APV/, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. Within the project the company purchased new equipment, modernized the production plant and extended the range of manufactured products. The total eligible costs are EURO 94 500. Funding intensity 45% or EURO 42 525. The Project implementation period 22.04.2014 – 22.01.2015
Fence Factory LLC products and works