Chain link fencing of the Fence Factory LLC gains popularity in Estonia
The third year in a row the Fence Factory LLC, the leading manufacturer and installer of metal fences in Latvia, took part with its products in one of the …
The third year in a row the Fence Factory LLC, the leading manufacturer and installer of metal fences in Latvia, took part with its products in one of the …
In the summer of 2015, SIA Fence Factory in collaboration with a leading Italian producer of automated systems has developed and begun robotization process of the fence panels’ production …
On December 16, 2014 the Fencing Factory LLC closed a contract No. L-APV-14-0226 with the Latvian Investment and Development agency on implementation of the “Production Modernization project” (project No. APV/, co-financed …
In May 2015 the Fencing Factory LLC, in order to increase the quality of production, purchased a new wire-straightening machine produced in Italy. It significantly increases wire-processing speed and allows …
One summer afternoon we were invited for a talk by the Latvian Newspaper. Of course we were able to tell a story about our fences, our barbed wires and ourselves …